Thursday, June 19, 2008

What is my purpose?

Why did I start this blog? I started it because I need an outlet for music. Then why not go do music? Because I'm stumped. The History This music thing has always been a big part of my life, but lately (the past few years) it's been a huge roller coaster. I don't seem to encounter huge inspirations like I did in my early 20s. And consequently, I don't find myself getting that big urge to sit down and just play like I used to. Getting time alone with a piano or guitar used to be the ultimate. I found fulfillment in sitting for hours on end, playing things I knew, learning new things, and creating new things. But those times are few and far between these days. It seems that in order to create, I have to logically force the issue--but the effort is like I'm climbing a mountain when I've lost the love for the outdoors. A few weeks ago, I realized that maybe it just has to do with my mindset. My main goals and thoughts over the past few years have revolved around careers and relationships and finances, and making decisions based on logic rather than emotion (that was a big turning point for me :-)). I thought that perhaps that shift in mindset sort of buried that part of me that does music. The Future So as a result, I created this blog to try to stimulate some creativity in hopes that things will change again; not necessarily to revert to the old, but rather to combine the old and the recent in to something new. I look forward to brain-dumping about the topic, sharing new music, sharing old music, and investigating new creative inspirations. I hope this is worth putting on the web... :-)

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